TRIPHAS Basileus Tour UT【BTU】100 Series:
High trajectory, precision shooting, “Basileus Tour UT [BTU]” is the best weapon to shape the golfer’s ideal.
A shaft that embodies the golfer’s power and will and also designed and created to achieve both “bounce” and “precision”, something that has been lacking in the majority of high weight utilities. Control and distance performance are pursued as much as possible.
The C/B value, which is an index of hand flexion, is 0.53, and the T/C value, which is an index of tip flexion, is 0.74 (S100), values that emphasize hand flexion, making this a utility shaft design with high control for aiming dead on the pin. However, despite the keywords “high rigidity at the tip” and “flex in the hand,” the overall flex value has been adjusted many times to create a design that allows the shaft to automatically hit a high trajectory.
It is designed for technical hitters who control their swing with their wrist work, and at the same time, it is widely targeted at golfers who are currently using steel shafts with weights between 90g and 120g.
・Low-torque with double-bias design
・High rigidity at the tup and elasticity at the end of the hand are emphasized.
・Smooth flexing for a 100g type club.
・High trajectory launch is possible in contrast to the high rigidity at the tip.
・Solid state design that looks as if it were carved out of metal.